CoreHW millimeter wave (mmWave) PLL IP


mmWave Phase Locked Loop (PLL) IP

CoreHW mmWave PLL comprises a high accuracy fractional N PLL frequency synthesizer with low noise VCO capable to synthesize low phase noise carrier for demanding wireless communication networks as well as fast chirp FMCW waveforms for various radar systems.

The PLL fundamentally operates at 19.00-20.15 GHz and frequency multipliers convert the waveform to radar frequency bands at 38-40.5 GHz and 76-81 GHz. The design is frequency-scalable and PLL IP can be customized to various mm-wave wireless communication frequencies in 19-81 GHz range.​

CoreHW millimeter wave (mmWave) PLL IP
CoreHW mmWave PLL Evaluation Kit

mmwave PLL IP block diagram

Features and Benefits

